Mysteries challenge us to go beyond the limits of what we know, what we understand, and what we think is possible. Wonder is waiting for us when we dare to investigate mysteries. Wake Up to Wonder includes an entire chapter on mysteries. It explores topics such as angelic encounters, UFOs, crop circles, and signs that loved ones may send us from heaven. Along the way, I discuss how to spark our curiosity and open our minds, while also working with God to investigate with wise discernment. “There is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries,” declares Daniel 2:28. We invite God to turn mysteries into miracles in our lives when we dare to investigate mysteries with faith in God. Mysteries can lead us to awe, if we’re willing to learn from what we don’t yet know, understand, or think is possible. One of the most famous inventors in history, Thomas Edison, was intrigued by mysteries and often investigated them. He tried to go beyond the limits of what others thought it was possible to learn. As a result, he and his team discovered wonder that inspired them to develop world-changing inventions, such as the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the first practical electric light bulb. Edison patented more than 1,000 inventions during his lifetime (1847-1931). His work exploring physical science like chemistry, electricity, and machinery is well known. But Edison also worked to investigate the spiritual world by testing what the human mind can perceive beyond the boundaries of the physical senses. “If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves,” Edison once remarked. I once visited his old laboratory in West Orange, New Jersey, which is now a U.S. National Historical Park, to learn about how Edison and his colleagues boldly pursued mysteries. Edison was fascinated by extrasensory perception (ESP) and the afterlife, I learned. His investigation of those mysteries is a story of going beyond limits to discover wonder. Telepathy (mind to mind communication) and psychokinesis (the ability to move physical objects using only mental energy) were the subjects of a series of ESP experiments that Edison and some of his laboratory employees conducted in the early 1900s. In an interview about his fascination with ESP experiments, Edison told The New York Times in 1910 that, even though his work was inconclusive, “There are bigger things remaining for discovery than any of the big things we have yet discovered.” Throughout his life, Edison had been fascinated with energy, and some people believe that Edison was experimenting with the electromagnetic energy of the spiritual realm when he died on October 18, 1931. Edison had reportedly told some of his employees that he would try to stop clocks after his death, while he was in the process of leaving the earthly dimension for the afterlife. Three of Edison’s employees had their clocks inexplicably stop at 3:24 a.m. on October 18, 1931: the exact time that Edison passed away. Just three minutes later, at 3:27 a.m., the large clock in the office and research library of Edison’s laboratory stopped without any physical explanation, as well – and still remains stopped at that time (as this photo I took shows). Was Edison’s soul giving people a miraculous sign that he had discovered there really is life after death? Only God knows for sure. But that’s a wonderful mystery to ponder!
Learn more about experiencing God’s wonder in Wake Up to Wonder (order the paperback or the e-book) and Wonder Through the Year: A Daily Devotional for Every Year (order the paperback or the e-book).