Stargazing consistently leads us to awe because “the heavens declare the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1). Viewing the evening sky can help us transcend worries by feeling our connection to the universe and the One who designed it. Whenever we need a fresh dose of hope, all we have to do is look up.
At NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Texas, my daughter Honor and I heard astronaut Jerry Ross speak about his space experiences. Ross, the veteran of seven space shuttle missions, said he felt hope as he watched Earth from the International Space Station. From his perspective in space, he could see how wonderfully every part of our planet was connected. He also spoke about his faith. During Ross’ nine spacewalks, he said he sensed God’s presence each time he floated in the vastness while tethered to the spacecraft. Space isn’t a void, he said. Instead, space is a place that made him feel profoundly connected to our Creator and creation.
Most of us can’t visit space. However, we can discover wonder simply by looking up at the nighttime sky. My book Wake Up to Wonder opens with a story about the awe I felt when seeing the Milky Way. By simply looking up, I discovered a profound experience of God's glory on display.
Stargazing is a powerful way to experience wonder any evening. Looking up is a valuable way to physically remind ourselves of spiritual transcendence. When we look up, we can find hope as the stars speak to our souls. Stargazing is an adventure that’s possible anytime and anywhere the sky is clear.
Learn more about experiencing God’s wonder in Wake Up to Wonder (order the paperback or the e-book) and Wonder Through the Year: A Daily Devotional for Every Year (order the paperback or the e-book).